I have found my yellow pea

Gregor Mendel Here, giving you a scientific update.  The year is 1863, and I am experimenting on pea plants to find out how in the world they all look similar, even in different generations.  I chose pea plants because they are always one or the other.  Green or Yellow pods, Smooth or wrinkled seed surfaces, purple or white flowers.  The yellow pea pod is important because I know all of it's ancestors were yellow.  I plan to cross it with a green pea pod with a similar background
--Gregor Mendel

Mystery from 1863


You Sinners Are the Winners

Hello viewers.  Look at the poll results, now back at this post, now at the results, now at this post.  Coincidence the Church is posting, I think not.  Unless if you want to be in purgatory for all eternity, I suggest you change your vote.  The earth is the center of the universe.  The Bible says so.  You scientists may be afraid of us being mad, but we are beyond mad.  We are (Censored) And what fool added "Me" as one of the possibilities?
--The Church

No comment

I take full credit for the "Me"  Hey, I was just livening things up, science can get boring


I know I said a lot last time, but you can't spread it. If you let it go outside of this little secret publishing area, the church will see it, and they will be angry.  So be quiet.


On second thought, they look angry.  I should run!

--Nicolaus Copernicus

Nicolaus, I'm at a loss. My last name is Copernicus

I'm a poet
as so says the title
And I stand here
and disprove the Bible

No need,
to make a fuss.
I'm the scientist

I have proof that the Earth goes around the sun.  I could tell you what really is going on, but you wouldn't get it.  So i'll just say that I looked at the shy a lot, did a ton of calculations, and found out we are a helio centered galaxy.  Pretty cool, huh?

As We all know...

The Earth is the Center of the Universe.  Everything revolves around it.  The moon is the closest, then the sun, than whatever bodies of gas are out there.  That is law.  And if you ask anything about this, I will say "Well Duh!"

Near Death Experiences are not always violent

I just returned from the Court meeting.  I can't believe how cruel people can be in the name of anti-science.  Here's a copy of what happened.

JUDGE: We are brought here today, to observe the crimes of Andreas Vesalius, who has done crimes against human nature and the church, lying about the laws of nature, and creating a general disruption in our happy world. Vesalius, do you agree to doing these crimes

VESALIUS: Yes your honor.

JUDGE: Do you have anything to say in your defence?

VESALIUS: I experimented in honest truth, only stating what I have done.  I have corpses as proof, if you would like to see them-

CHURCH REP: I have seen the corpses!  The stench is too horrible for them to be real humans.  Prehaps they are monkeys, or some other beast-

VESALIUS: I have used humans who belived in my cause before they died, and agreed to help me

CHURCH REP: Lies!  He has been digging up bodies in the dead of night, and carrying them to his house, tearing them-

VESALIUS: Your honor, I would never do such a horrible--

JUDGE: Order!  Order!  Wether or not he has dug up bodies is not the point.  The point is he was using them in his experiments.  Church Representative, do you have any proof of the matter?

CHURCH REP: Yes, I have his publishments entitled "Galen by the Gallon"  and "I do not have the stomach to show these ribs"

JUDGE: Vesalius, do you have any proof of this experiment?

VESALIUS: None other than the documents the Reprisentative holds and the corpses-

CHURCH REP: Enough with the corpses!

(Suddenly, A messenger dashes in to deliver a lifechanging note)

MESSENGER: Your Honor!  I have a note that is said to be delivered to you!

JUDGE: (Reads note)This note mentions some evidence for the case the Church seems to have forgotten to supply. Were you aware that Vesalius was a royal physician

CHURCH REP: Well...um...yes

JUDGE: Vesalius has been cleared of all charges except for a warning.  There will be no death scentence

(CASE #5667845 CLOSED)

I don't have the stomach to show these ribs

Hello:  A little review

In the story of Creation, Adam gives up one of his ribs to create Eve.  So, a man has one less rib than a woman, even those born today.  Therefore---

A new drawing of male and female ribs, next to each other.  The first pair are female, the second male.

Vesalius quoted:  "They are exactly the same.  Therefore, this proves that all ribs are the same, in a man or woman.  Creation was incorrect, or the church was wrong with their adaptation."

First dissecting humans, and disproving the church!  This is the last straw.  We will see you in court

See me in court.  What did I do?  I need witnesses!

(You are a witness)

Galen by the Gallon

People can't get enough of this second century "genius"  Hello!  May I mention that he experimented on pigs and monkeys.  I am not a monkey, you are not a pig.  Not Kosher!  Has anyone seen a pig skeleton?  Does the one on this page look like a human?  I sure hope not.  I am going to research on real humans this time.  So if you plan on dying soon, please call our toll free number below and organize a donation.

Phones don't exist!

We are warning you Vesalius, before you start, to read the bible very carefully.  Many of the things you plan to do go against our laws.

Oink! (I am glad you're not dissecting me)

Has anyone seen my pig

oink! (AHHHH!)

2nd Century or bust!

My name is Galen.  "Why Galen?"  You may ask.  It sounds mysterious.  While many names answer, I question.  (dramatic music)  I'm sorry, it sounded better in my head.  Anyways, i am the man who spent a lot of time researching pig and monkey corpses in order to learn about the human body.  See Cadavers are my Saviors! for more information.  Anyways, as far as I can tell, my word is law.  So when in doubt, trust Galen
